Black Diamond
Black Diamond: The story follows a young woman and her boyfriend who relocate to a remote cabin and encounter a strange local cowboy handyman. The meeting swiftly plunges the couple into a lust-filled, lethal triangle. Inbar Lavi, Shaun Sipos, Judd Bloch, Jake McLaughlin, Ray Panthaki, and Michael James Bell. More movies Den of Thieves: Pantera […]
Alone in Venice
Alone in Venice: It follows Saul Larson, a young American actor, as he waits in Venice for his married Chinese director. Saul, deeply in love with her, is left with an infinite list of excuses as she keeps him waiting, alone, and wanting. Jules East, Apollo Luce, Lisa Jacqueline Starrett, and Luca Rosini. More movies […]
Flow: The planet appears to be coming to an end, teeming with human remains. The cat is a solitary cat, but when his habitat is destroyed by a large flood, he seeks safety on a boat filled with other species, and he must join up with them despite their differences. They navigate the hardships and […]
Dead Before They Wake
Dead Before They Wake: At night, Alex mans the door of a city club while living in a trailer during the day. The enigmatic Evan, a retired lawyer, approaches him one evening and offers him £20,000 to find a missing girl called Bianca on behalf of a government official. The suspicious Amar and Ghadir, who […]
The Front Room
The Front Room: After her mother-in-law (Kathryn Hunter) comes in, Belinda (singer, songwriter, and actress Brandy Norwood), who is now pregnant, has a terrible time. Belinda has to draw the line somewhere as the evil guest tries to get her claws on the child. Andrew Burnap, David Hinojosa, Babak Anvari, Julia Oh., Max Eggers, Sam […]